Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?

In the United States we live in a multicultural society. We have a diversity of traditions and customs that are practiced daily. Among these cultures are different religious practices. Many cultures have their God and rituals and practice them as they know and been taught to. For some people, it can be very disrespectful to mention something different from what they believe in. Every culture should be respected for who and what they believe in.
Our children should be spiritually guided at home. Where parents can teach their kids what they want them to learn about their God. What they learn at home is what they will make of it wherever they go and whenever they need it. Implementing prayer in public schools would be very controversial. Not everyone prays the same way. Not everyone believes in prayer. This can cause confusion in children and their practices. Schools need to keep this topic neutral.

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