Wednesday, November 30, 2011

J Edgar, was he gay or what?????

After watching the movie based on J Edgar Hoover, the FBI Director, I may say I was completey blown away. J Edgar served 8 United States Presidents as Director for 48 years. He tried very hard to implicate his theory on fingerprinting and finally was able to make personal records on every individual  known as a criminal.He formally built a great beureu and worked on many famous mob related cases. J Edgar was basically the brains of each case.
The fustrating thing about this movie was that it mainly focused on Edgar being gay. To my opinion, I guess the writer wanted the people to know that he was and how he conducted his life. I don't think that these details were needed to be brought out to the public the way that it did. The writer should of exposed more of his outstanding work in the FBI instead of making him look so ridiculous.

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