Wednesday, November 30, 2011

J Edgar, was he gay or what?????

After watching the movie based on J Edgar Hoover, the FBI Director, I may say I was completey blown away. J Edgar served 8 United States Presidents as Director for 48 years. He tried very hard to implicate his theory on fingerprinting and finally was able to make personal records on every individual  known as a criminal.He formally built a great beureu and worked on many famous mob related cases. J Edgar was basically the brains of each case.
The fustrating thing about this movie was that it mainly focused on Edgar being gay. To my opinion, I guess the writer wanted the people to know that he was and how he conducted his life. I don't think that these details were needed to be brought out to the public the way that it did. The writer should of exposed more of his outstanding work in the FBI instead of making him look so ridiculous.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Should a rating system be required for song lyrics?

Our population has been overloaded with a diversity of genres in the music business. Lyrics have been taken to another level without taking into consideration the audience that listens. What are important to radio stations are the ratings they get from their audience. There is music for all ages and for all occasions. This is why music and it’s so called genres should be rated and classified.
Unfortunately, there has been no control over the music that is being presented to the public. Stations have forgotten that our children and teenagers are the most common listeners. Kids have the ability to interpret what they listen to and to act upon the emotions that they feel when it is being heard. We know that music moves emotions and feelings, psychologically, this has been proven.
If their where to be a rating in song lyrics, then the music would be presented under classifications and brought to the audience by times. For example, children’s songs, could be played during the day, this is when teachers or parents can play it for them. Other than underground music or rap that contains bad words or discouraging acts would be brought out to the public in hours that children and teenagers are resting and have parental control.
Every music genre has its age group and it should be presented as so to the public. Maybe if there were more control over what we listen too, there would be less unfortunate incidents in our society. For example, teenage pregnancy, juvenile detention, homicides in young adults, and so much more. We should rate how our music should be played based upon the way we commonly live. Everything has its place and time.

Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?

There have been homosexuals serving the military for years. Their personal identity has not been a matter to them, what has been most important is to serve their country as they have. It is quite judgmental when highly decorated officers that have fought in battle with these homosexuals, have seen their valor and dedication to serving their country, turn on them and find a way to discharge them from their positions after knowing what their sexual preferences are.
Many men and women feel proud to be part of the United States Armed Forces, gay or not. They work very hard and struggle to survive among other members. There should not be a stigma against these people. They should not be labeled as gay military personnel. Gay men and women serving the military should be given the same rights and opportunities.
President Clinton made an effort to give these men and women the right to be in the US Miliatry, but unfortunately his intent failed. This only served as a motive for those officials to discharge homosexuals after they openly spoke about their sexual preferences. But before that, it was permissible for them to serve and they did it well.
It is understandable, that this may cause discomfort for some soldiers due to certain living arrangements and social activities but that does not interfere with their main objective, which is, to serve their nation and serve them proud.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Should Tobacco companies be held responsible for smoking related illnesses and deaths?

     People have the ability to make the appropriate choices in their lives, either to make it better or worse. Taking on good or bad habits is part of those choices. Smoking is a habit that people take on knowing the consequences it withholds.
     In the majority of the cases, most people start smoking at a very young age. Teenagers think it’s very cool to smoke and consequences or illnesses are the least of their problems. Their status among their peers is way too far important. Years go by and still at a very elder age, there still smoking. It turns into a very difficult habit to stop.  
     Nevertheless, you have a choice to continue smoking or not. Tobacco companies are exactly that, a company. People that want to make money. Their only interest is to continue selling and people wanting more. Illnesses are the least of their issues. They should not be held responsible for these related deaths.
     Over many years, people have been well orientated about the dangers of smoking. Companies have posted the warnings on labels about these issues. Still, people make the choice to continue with the usage. Overall, the companies are not at fault. Smoking or not, it’s a choice. Make the right one.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?

In the United States we live in a multicultural society. We have a diversity of traditions and customs that are practiced daily. Among these cultures are different religious practices. Many cultures have their God and rituals and practice them as they know and been taught to. For some people, it can be very disrespectful to mention something different from what they believe in. Every culture should be respected for who and what they believe in.
Our children should be spiritually guided at home. Where parents can teach their kids what they want them to learn about their God. What they learn at home is what they will make of it wherever they go and whenever they need it. Implementing prayer in public schools would be very controversial. Not everyone prays the same way. Not everyone believes in prayer. This can cause confusion in children and their practices. Schools need to keep this topic neutral.

Where and how, if at all, should sex education be conducted?

Sex education should be conducted primarily in schools. This orientation such be conducted to children as soon as they commence middle school. Children that are in middle school are promiscuous.  They most certainly have an idea about what sex is and how it is conducted, but unfortunately they do not know the consequences of this action. What turns out for them to be fun and exciting, could change their lives forever. Our children need the proper guidance instead of lying to them and making up stories that don’t exist.
Unfortunately, we see a very large percentage of teenage moms. Most of the cases they are teenagers trying to complete high school and end up dropping out because they need to care for themselves during pregnancy. It gets very difficult. Some end up being single parents. Others end up giving up their children to adoption or to their parents to raise because they are not ready to be parents. These are the things that can be prevented if they are impacted at a young age.
If children are sexually educated at home first instead of keeping it as a TABU and reinforced in school with the proper information, there might be a chance that our children will have a better and brighter future instead of an obligation.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

News Reporters should not have to reveal their sources!

It is very difficult for a reporter to reveal the identity of a source. Reporters work hard to acquire the information they need in order for their story to be a success. The world always wants a great story. It takes time to develop a story and find the right sources that contribute to the clarification of a case.
     There are stories that have delicate investigations. Reporters find themselves between life and death at times in order to make a great story. But when there sources need to be revealed, investigations become nightmares.
     Some law enforcement officers and district attorneys use these sources in order to present a perfect case in court. Some take into consideration the lives of these sources protecting their identity and families and for others, there just another individual.
     Reporters swear to protect at all means there sources. At times reporters see themselves battling in court because they are pressured to reveal identities. This is when we ask ourselves, where is the freedom of press? In my opinion, reporters should protect their sources at all times. Law Enforcement officers and district attorneys should work hand and hand in order to contribute to successful outcomes.
     Unfortunately, because of this, is why many witnesses deny participating in cases because they fear for their lives. They’re afraid of being exposed. If confidentiality is said, then confidentiality should be given a 100%.